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Krishan Adams

Senior Consultant - Town Planning, Carrington West

Sarah Atkinson

Community Relations Manager, Royal Docks

Michael Bingham OBE MRTPI

Interim Chief Planner, MHCLG

Chris Blackburn MRTPI

Planning Policy Team Leader, Preston City Council

Fiona Blackley

Head of Neighbourhoods and Networks, Sustrans

Richard Blyth FRTPI

Head of Policy, Practice Research and International

Sue Brownill

Professor of Urban Policy and Governance, School of the Built Environment, Oxford Brookes University

Araceli Camargo

Neuroscientist and co-founder of Centric Lab

Andrew Close MRTPI

Director of Education and Profession

Cian Cronin MRTPI

Head of Major Projects and Investment, Adur District & Worthing Borough Councils

Prof Tony Crook, CBE FAcSS FRTPI

Corporate Trustee

Tom Dobson MRTPI

Director, Quod

Dr Nicholas Falk, BA MBA Hon FRIBA Hon MRTPI

Executive Director, The URBED Trust

Simon Gardiner

Director of Town Planning, Carrington West

Tim Gill

Owner, Rethinking Childhood

Claire Haigh

Chief Executive, Greener Journeys and Transport Knowledge Hub

James Harris

Policy and Networks Manager

Neil Hemington MRTPI

Chief Planner, Welsh Government

Prof John Henneberry FRTPI FRICS FAcSS

Professor of Property Development Studies, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, the University of Sheffield

Victoria Hills MRTPI FICE

Chief Executive, Royal Town Planning Institute

Sophie Howe

Future Generations Commissioner for Wales

Deryck Irving

Director of Strategy and Development, Central Scotland Green Network Trust

Angus Kerr MRTPI

Chief Planner, DfI Northern Ireland

Nabeel Khan

Director – Enterprise, Jobs and Skills Sustainable Growth and Opportunity Directorate, London Borough of Lambeth

Graham Marshall

Director, ProSocialPlace

Sue Manns FRTPI

Immediate Past President

John McNairney MRTPI

Chief Planner, Scotland Government

Dr Riette Oosthuizen MRTPI

Partner, HTA Designs

Kevin O’Shea

Senior Recruitment Consultant - Town Planning, Carrington West

Chris Paddock

Director of Place & Economy, PRD

Jeremy Potter MRTPI

Spatial Planning Services Manager, Chelmsford City Council

Martin Read

Editor of The Planner, Redactive

Wayne Reynolds MRTPI

Director of Atriarc Planning

Sarah Richards MRTPI

Chief Executive, The Planning Inspectorate

Catriona Riddell FRTPI

Director, Catriona Riddell & Associates

Robyn Skerratt

Young Planner of the Year 2020

Stefano Smith FRTPI FRSA

Nations Trustee

Mark Stansfield

Managing Analyst, CoStar

Tom Venables MRTPI

Corporate Trustee

Dr Michele Vianello

International Policy and Research Officer

Jim Walker

Founder, Walk21

Prof Christine Whitehead OBE FAcSS Hon MRTPI Hon RICS

Emeritus Professor of Housing Economics, Department of Economics, and Deputy Director of LSE London

Simon Wicks

Deputy editor of The Planner, Redactive

Dr Saffron Woodcraft

Executive Lead, Prosperity Co-Lab (PROCOL) UK Institute for Global Prosperity (IGP) at UCL

Rebecca Wrigley

Chief Executive, Rewilding Britain

Dr Wei Yang FRTPI

Immediate Past President