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North East Chair's Award - WINNER

Hamminkeln Place, Sedgefield submitted by Lichfields

Hamminkeln Place has achieved a genuine sense of placemaking through the delivery of 71 new affordable homes at a highly accessible and sustainable previously developed site in Sedgefield. The new homes demonstrate a strong but distinct character with the considered use of materials and architectural detail. The design of the layout creates a strong and attractive frontage and a significant visual improvement to Salters Lane which is a key route through the settlement. The landscaped areas, new planting and provision of sustainable urban drainage features have delivered valuable environmental improvements to a prominent site in Sedgefield.

Judges' comment
"Judges noted that this is a scheme which will offer wider social benefits and inclusivity into Sedgefield and help support the local economy. Whilst permeability was generally good, there were a few areas where it could have been enhanced.

Overall, a good scheme with nice detailing to the dwellings adding to the overall sense of place and character of the estate, it was also pleasing to see a degree of variety within the detailing of the individual house types"