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Our Regional Management Board (RMB) guides our regional activities through the preparation, monitoring and delivery of the Regional Business Plan. The RMB is advised and supported by members of the Regional Activities Committee. The elected officers and members of the Regional Management Board for 2022 are:

RTPI West Midlands RMB 2023

Clare Eggington BA(Hons) Dip EIA, MA, MRTPI

RTPI West Midlands Chair & Coventry City Council

Victoria Lane MRTPI

RTPI West Midlands Vice Chair, Keepmoat Homes

Ashley Baldwin MRTPI

RTPI West Midlands Immediate Past Chair , Hertfordshire County Council

Bryan Smith

RTPI West Midlands Hon. Secretary

Mark Walton BSc (Hons) Dip TP MRTPI

RTPI West Midlands Hon. Treasurer, Tetra Tech

Members of the West Midlands RMB can be contacted via the Regional Co-ordinator: