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World Town Planning Day

On 8 November every year, planners and communities all over the world come together to celebrate how good planning improves lives.

On World Town Planning Day, on 8 November every year, planners and communities all over the world come together to celebrate how good planning improves the lives of people and benefits society at large, creating places where to live, work and play together.

Argentinian professor Carlos María della Paolera started World Town Planning Day in Buenos Aires in 1949.

On 8 November planners from over 30 countries will celebrate World Town Planning Day with lectures, school competitions, fundraising, charity events, planning awards and street festivals.

World Town Planning Day 2023: Learn Globally, Apply Locally

This year’s theme is Learn Globally, Apply Locally, and it will focus on the value of learning from planning and planning cultures globally, fostering innovative, sustainable and equitable solutions to address global challenges.

RTPI World Town Planning Day Online Programme

You are invited to join our FREE special online programme on 8th November as part of our pre National Planning Conference programme.

There will be three webinars available including:

  • Fostering innovation through planning : click here to book
  • Sustainability and Resilience through planning (available soon)
  • Equity and Social Justice through planning (available soon)

It Takes Planners &

Launching this World Town Planning Day on 8 November 2023, our It Takes Planners & campaign aims to battle misinformation and celebrate the vital role that planners play as partners in our planning system. A toolkit and guide to how you can get involved will be made available in the RTPI October member bulletin as well as being shared on our website on 15 October.

RTPI other activities

RTPI North East England is organising a World Town Planning Day Coffee Morning. For more information and booking click here.

Get in touch

Get in touch with your local RTPI Region or Nation to see what is going on, or organise an event in your local neighbourhood, at your office, university, school etc. Invite planners, residents and students to take part.

Social media:

Join the campaign and share your stories about the positive impact of planning in building more resilient cities and communities wherever you are in the world.

#WTPD #WorldTownPlanningDay2023 

Download the World Town Planning Day Logo here

If you are a member, we can help you to promote your activities - email [email protected] and tell us what you are planning to celebrate.