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Our work is overseen through the RTPI Cymru Executive Committee and implemented by the Director and staff team based in Wales. The Executive Committee’s remit includes to:

  • supervise, promote and direct the Institute's relations in Wales on planning issues (other than education and membership), whether with Welsh Government and local government, other professional bodies, pressure groups or the general public;
  • implement and monitor the EC’s policies for the development of planning thought, to review those policies from time to time; to recommend any modifications or changes; and to develop related policies within Wales;
  • support and assist the National Director in undertaking their duties;
    inform the Board of Trustees of issues that the Committee considers that it should be made aware of; and
  • support members in their professional activities.

Details of the rules governing the work of the Executive Committee can be found in the Scheme of Delegation.

The Executive Committee is represented on the RTPI's General Assembly, committees and panels.

Following elections, the membership of the Executive Committee for 2023 was confirmed at the Executive Committee's meeting in December 2022.

Chairs/ Vice Chairs/ Immediate Past Chair

Joe Ayoubkhani MRTPI


Allan Archer MRTPI

Senior Vice Chair

Rob Chichester MRTPI

Immediate Past Chair

Aneurin Mon Parry MRTPI

Junior Vice Chair

Corporate Members

Chris Clarke MRTPI

Corporate Member

Simon Power MRTPI

Corporate Member

Emma Fortune MRTPI

Corporate Member

Sean Taylor MRTPI

Corporate Member

Charlotte Ames MRTPI

Corporate Member

Allan Pitt MRTPI

Corporate Member

General Assembly Representatives

Neil Harris MRTPI

General Assembly Representative

Emma Watkins MRTPI

General Assembly Representative

Student and Licentiate Representatives

Sarah Smith

Licentiate Representative

Gabriel De Bacco

Student Representative

Ffion Middleton

Co-opted Member