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Aberdeen City Centre & Beach Masterplan entered by Aberdeen City Council


The Aberdeen City Centre & Beach Masterplan is a new type of masterplan for Aberdeen City Council: a ‘live’ strategic document, updated annually, to examine priorities in the context of changing political, social and economic pressures. The Masterplan sits as a responsive, place-led, overview of other masterplanning exercises in Aberdeen’s central core to provide a holistic picture and to ensure site specific projects and priorities, some of which could otherwise be taken forward by the local authority through its permitted development powers, are analysed in the context of wider environmental and economic sustainability.





Glasgow Liveable Neighbourhoods entered by Arcadis and Collective Architecture


Production of two Liveable Neighbourhood Plans to create 20-minute neighbourhoods that celebrate and embed community needs to drive high quality, future-ready and people first design. 
The bottom-up approach to placemaking adopted by the project team has presented the voices of Glaswegian communities. This celebrates the complexity of each neighbourhood and embraces the diversity of needs of different communities, putting people and environment at the heart of the urban agenda. The transparent approach facilitates community buy-in for implementation, behavioural change, secures investment, contributes to health and social equity and boosts the local economy delivering benefits for present and future Glaswegians.




Aberdeen Net Zero Routemap entered by Aberdeen City Council


As a city at the heart of the global energy sector, a just energy transition is a vital priority for Aberdeen. Through creation of a Net Zero Aberdeen Routemap, sectors from across the city have co-created a pathway leading the way towards a net zero Aberdeen by 2045. Strong collaboration is at the core of these net zero ambitions, recognising that climate change is a challenge that will affect us all and can’t be solved by one organisation alone.