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Applied through

Licentiate APC (L-APC)


Whole submission


  • BSSc Urban Studies Programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (2012-2016)
  • Master of Urban Design at the University of Hong Kong (2016-2017)
  • MSc Urban Planning at the University of Hong Kong (2017-2019)

My career:

After acquiring the Master Degrees from the University of Hong Kong, I joined the Town Planning Graduate programme hosted by the Planning Department of the Hong Kong SAR government. From November 2019 to October 2020, I worked for the Urban Design & Landscape Section, reviewing planning applications and studies from the urban design, visual impact and air ventilation perspectives. From November 2020 to April 2021, I was shifted to the Hong Kong District Planning Office, assisting my team to process planning permission applications on kindergarten, historical building and commercial uses. On a daily basis, I prepared draft responses to other government departments on the issues relating to building plans, food licences, land matters, and public utility provision from planning perspective. I also drafted replies to address public enquiry on provision of elderly facilities and open space in the community.

My current employer is the MTR Corporation Limited, which is a listed company in Hong Kong focusing on transit-oriented development. From April 2021 to August 2021, I consolidated governmental regulations and gathered baseline information in neighbourhood scale to formulate a mixed-use development scheme for a site near a planned railway station. Since August 2021, I am part of another project team working on the implementation of a large-scale residential development atop an active railway station. My role is to ensure the timely approval and appropriate quality of statutory submission. As some parts of this comprehensive development have been occupied by a certain number of residents, our team occasionally receives enquiries or suggestions from the local stakeholders. I am responsible for providing town planning inputs to address their concerns.

APC tips

Keep record of planning tasks as a habit

You may be aware that candidates are expected to provide at least two entries per month for the Reflective Journal submission. It is hard to recall all the details in the final months before submission if no record has been kept since the beginning of your career. Fortunately, I create my own database and regularly jot down a summary and progress of each planning task to avoid overlooking any of them. If you write more details, you will realise that identifying case studies for the PCS submission is much easier. In addition, I have set a column to write down reflections so that I can remind myself of what to do or how to improve when a similar situation comes again.

Read the APC application guidelines early and thoroughly

The APC guidelines, especially the 10 competencies for the PCS, may look lengthy at first glance. Yet, from another point of view, it consists of a lot of useful examples and tips to help you pick the most relevant contents and complete the submissions smoothly. Reserving more time to digest the content again and again will make you feel more confident when preparing and submitting the APC application.

Seek comments from mentors and others

As the assessors may have limited knowledge about your experience or local planning context, you will have to make sure sufficient explanation is provided. You may consider asking your seniors, your colleagues or even a friend without town planning background to comment on your drafts and see whether they understand what you have written. You may also ask them to proof-read your content to make sure the submissions are presentable.